"Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living."
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
J'adore Paris et les Parisians!
“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.”~Einstein
I personally feel that Information Technology plays a great role in converting a child into an adult. It may sound a little out of context, but at least for most of the guys in my friends-circle, Fashion TV and Delhi Times (coutesy : The Times of India) used to be two of the most popular portals of the ‘outside world’ during their teenage!! Even nowadays, any high-school boy (or a girl) seems to have at least some basic knowledge about phenomena like Michel Adam, Models Talk, Photgraphers (and many more) and Page-3, Hollywood gossips etc, thanks to the impact of these two IT watchdogs [:D]. Through FTV at least, people now know that there exists a city called Paris, which has dazzling lights and glittering ramps, and where some of the most beautiful creations of God like to (cat)walk amidst hundreds of camera flashes and mesmerized spectators! Paris is the Fashion Capital of the World, indeed!
They are from Venus!
It’s not only Parisian models who are beautiful. The whole country has been blessed with an extreme feminine flavor. The fairer sex just seems so cute and irresistible that a normal outsider is often left gasping for breath, being surrounded by charming red Barbie-dolls from all the sides all the time! And trust me, it’s not an exaggeration, but a genuine fact by which many Americans and other Europeans like to swear. Probably, this feminine touch has also been accidently imparted to the French men, resulting in a not so interesting combination [:P] . As a Polish friend of mine admits: “But for the makeup and the dressing style, it’s not easy to differentiate between a guy and a girl!”
Paris Metro is the most commonly visible agglomeration of Parisian beauties. A good thing about the French people is that they don’t really seem to bother about something that doesn’t concern them. In some sense, this may seem like an ignorant and unhelpful attitude, but it also has its positives. For example, when a couple want to enjoy some intimate moments together, they can freely do so without having to care whether they are in their house or at a Public park or in the Metro. Initially, for singles like me, it may be disheartening to witness such spectacles out in the public; but as the days pass, I start getting used to the no holds barred French way of life, where the difference of sexes doesn’t seem to stem from as far as Mars and Venus, but is a rather subtle issue rarely cared for.
That was my outlook, but the description is not complete until I mention the ‘valuable’ thoughts of some of my hostel mates and colleagues about Paris and its ladies! One of them believes that he falls in love, true love (read Sacchha Pyaar [;)]) more than 10 times every hour in Paris Metro. I am not sure of the quantitative description, but I too have no hesitation in admitting something rather close to this qualitatively! A German guy thinks that French girls are like Dolls, whom you can hug and keep close to your eyes and your heart forever! Another one, who is a big foodie and can’t help himself from including culinary descriptions in every second statement of his, likens French women to French cheese! After all, both are tender, soft, adorable and quite often, irresistible! As for me, I prefer chocolates [;)] .
Well, too much idiotic philosophy I guess. But as I said, you can’t help! The place and its people naturally cast a spell on you and you can’t help but start generating endless statements of something you aren’t made for: Philosophy!
Brasseriesand Bakeries
French like to meet their near and dear ones and chat together over a drink or two. The brasseries go teeming with people after the offices get closed and friends go to spend time over some traditional drinks and light music. In addition to a brasserie, a boulangerie (bakery) also forms a pivotal axis in the typical French life. Good fresh bread and cakes, along with baguette sandwiches are a meal of choice for most French people. This may not be the case in a cosmopolitan metropolis like Paris but is especially true in smaller towns and of course, in the countryside. As my Professor fondly says, “Du pain, du vin et du fromage est tout ce que la France veut.” or “Good bread, wine and cheese is all that a French person needs to live!”. Here, I must point out that French bakeries are also known for the bakery-girls, who are generally very beautiful (for reasons beyond my understanding!).
Paris also boasts of a very lively café culture, dominated by roadside brasseries and coffee-houses. But the most striking thing that I pointed out in the previous post too, is the unmatched style and fashion sense of Parisians. They seem to know by instinct what looks good on them and every piece of dress just seems to be perfect for the person adorning it. Even the variety in designs and colors that one gets to see in the boutiques is simply awesome! I may sound repetitive in reminding you once again, that Paris is the Capital of Fashion, without doubt!
My new home seems to have been neglected during the portrayal of Paris and Parisians, but I hope to bring forth the full flavors of Orsay, the southern suburb of Paris where I stay, in the coming posts!
@Novacaine: Thanku!! Actually this one is much older :). The British built India Gate after WW1, while Arc de Triomphe was built more than a hundred years before that by Napoleon!
Very well written!!!
Machau :) - And that gate's architecture has been stolen from my 'India Gate'
@Adi : Thanks! :D
@Novacaine: Thanku!!
Actually this one is much older :). The British built India Gate after WW1, while Arc de Triomphe was built more than a hundred years before that by Napoleon!
Barbies on the streets ! truly vivid!
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